A Crafty Weekend Away

by Julie Hyde on May 29, 2023

My Happy Place.

There's nothing quite like spending a weekend away with crafty friends. However, sometimes things don't always go according to plan - like forgetting to pack half of your crafting supplies!  .  There was a reason this had happened and there is a bit of a background story. So if you're interested read on and find out what exactly happened. Here goes...........

While I was busy packing my craft supplies in my studio. I turn around to the sound of the door opening and in comes Hubby and my daughter, Aimee, she was in tears, and being 8 months pregnant I immediately thought something was wrong with either Mum or Bub.  As I gave her a big cuddle she explains that she had found her lovely cat lifeless. Puss had passed away during the night.  

"Life takes you to unexpected places. Love brings you home."

Puss was 15 years old and I guess in cat years is quite old. I'm assuming Puss died of old age. Of course, Aimee adored this beautiful white cat, it was a big shock for her.  Now, us living on a relatively large block of land (just under an acre or so), and historically we have buried our beloved pets in our garden, including my daughter's past pets. 


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